Marita Valdizan

Marita Valdizan

Artist for Hire - Crafts - Jewelry - Media - Mixed Media - Multi-Arts - Painting - Visual Arts - Wire Crochet Wearable Art


   Naperville, IL, 60563

Peruvian artist Marita Valdizan expresses herself through brightly colored crocheted wire and acrylics, and uses her art as a way to give hope to the viewer. A curious person who loves to help others, Marita personalizes her creations by assimilating her experiences into her artwork. She challenges herself with different mediums and art techniques and uses a simple crochet hook as a magic wand that leads her to new processes and designs. Marita teaches arts and crafts where she motivates her students to create something beyond their control. During the day, she works at an elementary school and a local restaurant and cherishes the students and customers who make her mornings bright!