Carolyn Faivre

Carolyn Faivre


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   622 East Illinois St, Wheaton, IL, 60187

The canvas of my life has been painted by all my mishaps and miracles; each a necessary experience on my way to finally answering a dream to live my life as a working artist. The paintbrush is the conduit that connects my body to the Creative Source.

In every painting, inspiration comes first. I fill the canvas in swaths of color. Painting words of intention and hope for the work comes next. Then, the painting’s vision appears layer by layer; what was painted before peeks through. This process of revealing the earlier work is a visual metaphor for the realities of life. Our histories and our potentials always show through. Each layer expresses a sense of the Sacred, often as a representation of the Divine Feminine, in the form of goddess, madonna, or crone.

The intention in all my work, with its purposeful use of color and image, is that it be an invitation for those viewing my art, to be inspired to see the sacred in their own lives, in their fellow humans, and in the world.